Introducing me

A year ago I started blogging about one of my major loves which is Theatre. Since then I've been playing around with other blog ideas in my head and thought I'd give this a go

Welcome to my adventures

Don't forget you can follow me on Instagram on Holly_b83 Twitter @holly_b83 and snapchat HolB83

Feel free to get in touch about things I blog about as well

So about me
I'm 33 from London. When I'm not in the depths of a Westend show I can usually be found out and about on adventures. I'll blog about some of my music adventures at a later date I promise. I also work with a lot of famous figures - those who know me will know what I mean. In between looking after tourists on a daily basis I'll let you know what I get up to.

I'm a big fan of taking pictures so do check out my snapchat and Instagram.

I hope you enjoy the blogs I post and don't forget you can check my theatre tales on @boxoffice_blog on Twitter

Have a great evening

Love Holly X


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