2018 - The Best is yet to come

Hey Everyone, 

Happy 2018 

I hope you've all had a great start to the year. 
I've had a busy week so far full of some great birthday celebrations. This started off with a great afternoon out bowling with my brother on Friday the Hollywood Bowl at the o2 arena. We've both loved bowling since we were kids and the banter of trying beat each other never goes away. 
We booked two games and the competition started ... 
After two games he beat me by 4 points in the 1st and then I won by 4 points in the 2nd after all that we ended up on a draw. It was great to chill out having some fun in the arcade. 

The fun carried on yesterday with a great meal at Pizza Express and then a really good evening out at The Prince Charles Cinema in Leicester Square. This cinema is great if you love all old school films this is the place for you. This was a girls night out with Spice Girls the movie. It wasn't just any showing of the film it was a singalong and also a quote along. It was great fun watching the film in a sold out cinema with everyone up n dancing and also singing along. 

I've had a great few days and have some great things happening in the next few weeks.

I hope you all have a great week 

Love Holly 


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