It’s a month away

Hey Everyone

So being November 25th it’s officially the 4 week countdown to the big day ... I don’t think I’m the only one who wants to know where this year has gone. 

I feel like I’ve left a fast forward button on the year it’s gone that fast.

I think this year is one in a long time where I’m feeling festive a lot earlier than I normally do.

For a good 16 years working in retail and then tourism it was Christmas from November onwards till New Year and I took myself away from it.

I’m still not quite ready for the Christmas music but have so far the past few weeks really enjoyed looking at all the trees I’ve seen up.

I’ve always loved decorations, now I usually keep hold of a certain set but always love looking for more. I even spent time last night looking at different trees that’s how in the mood I am to start decorating soon.

Now with it being a month away I have to throw the question out

When is a good time to put the tree up? Drop a comment below and let me know.

There’s more festive stuff on the way so don’t forget to check back soon.

Love Holly x


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